How to Enhance User Experience with Magento Development?

Magento development to enhance customer experience

Mastering any eCommerce framework is challenging. The mastering procedure is tedious and one needs to go through considerable trial-and-error. Enhancing user experience with a Magento store is the same process.

Magento is more difficult to develop and customize compared to other eCommerce development platforms. Even if it is possible to personalize the online store built using Magento development and Magento lets you develop multiple stores in multiple languages. In fact, within a single store, you can have multilingual and multiple currency support. Magento development helps you build an e-commerce web store to run both, B2B and B2C businesses. These characteristics make it completely meriting learning and mastering.

Buyers desire to have a user-friendly, simple to navigate, and easy checkout facilities on different devices. As user-friendly your e-commerce site as a reduced abandon cart ratio.

Here are some statistics you might want to have a look at:

  • 66% of buyers prefer to view beautiful web design.
  • They favor clear and simplistic designs.
  • If provided 15 minutes to absorb content, they require to see appealing content

Delay and difficulty can generate a buyer to leave and never come back again to buy anything from this store. Your e-commerce trade relies on the swift user experience you deliver to your customers.

Magento gives users a resilient and advanced eCommerce development platform. This platform is accessible in two alternatives:

  1. Magento Open Source: It is free for use
  2. Magento Commerce version: It is paid

Your selection will rely on your business needs and preferences.

In this article, you will learn the top tips to enhance user experience.

1.  Look and Feel

A striking Magento shopping store is enticing to customers. Therefore, it is imperative to use an engaging theme to design your e-commerce web store.

Your online shopping store has to be responsive. It means do not just view your store appearance on a MacBook or PC. Review it on different devices such as distinct smartphones, tablets, etc.

You will additionally need to add a hassle-free checkout with exact shipping costs.

Assure to have an advance yet easy to use search feature.

You will require appealing products’ pictures with precise descriptions and specifications

Magento gives a group the mechanisms required to optimize images. You can optimize images to look pixel-perfect on each screen. It will also enhance the SEO pros by reducing load time.

Leverage the benefit of all features available to make e-commerce web store striking.

2. Simple Navigation

This is eminent to directing visitors to your e-commerce store and retaining them there until they take a desirable action. It is additionally required if you desire customers to revisit in the future.

Navigation must be clear and precise. Easy navigation will let visitors explore products, buy, and come back in the future to buy more products.

When an online store is complex, messy, or sluggish to load, it’s not helpful to the online shoppers. They are more likely to leave even if you provide exactly what they require.

Don’t make visitors abandon your online store, just to explore other e-commerce sites for identical or comparable products.

3. SEO Friendly

Almost all company proprietors understand that SEO marketing can make or break their business and e-commerce web stores are not an exception here. It is essential to study the market and perform keyword research.

You further need to investigate the keywords your thriving competitors are targeting and ranking on the top. It will provide your assets to rank higher to leverage multiple SEO benefits such as a commending conversion rate.

It is important to comprehend what benefits the most if you desire to drive more traffic to your website. Bypass employing duplicate content and tags. Keep in mind to add tags in the initial stage.

If you own social media pages for your e-commerce store, then put the links to your website. You can also add share buttons to share products on social media. Your URLs must be search engine friendly. More precise URLs produce more favorable outcomes, as per the SEO experts.

4. Powerful Call-to-action

While performing Magento development for your e-commerce store, you must make sure to define a powerful call-to-action (CTA). Your embedded links should be leading buyers to particular parts of your web store.

Strong CTA can encourage visitors to be your buyers. 


By assisting them to purchase products.

According to the stats, Amazon possesses a huge 13% conversion rate due to its CTAs. The importance of CTAs holds on increasing with every moving day in the eCommerce industry.

Your CTA text needs to be cogent and persuasive. It’s a unique approach to persuade a visitor to make a move and buy products. A persuasive CTA secures the striking application of divergent colors. These colors ought to stand out from the remaining content.

Your CTA button has to be big enough to grab the attention of your visitors and additionally make it simple to take the required action with that button. A/B testing with varied colors, sizes, and patterns possible with Magento development gives you a room to experiment to find the most beneficial CTA. You will definitely uncover what performs best for you.

 Don’t be impatient

The most trustworthy recommendation for progress is to invest enough time and consider how you require your e-commerce web store to look. Concentrate on all perspectives of the user experience.

Your online store provides your visitors’ primary business impression and to make an initial opinion about your brand. That impression will be pessimistic if your e-commerce website seems unattractive or old. Design is vital since it affects how your buyers perceive your brand.

Analyze competitors and the latest trends before designing your e-commerce website to make it novel and engaging. It is obvious to know all features of Magento and become eager to get your Magento development started to build an online store. If you are new to Magento development and e-commerce industry, you must be even more enthusiastic to build your online store. However, you must do the groundwork first.


It is fascinating to employ all features offered by Magento. However, use only what you require. If, after some time, you see the need for additional features, you can with ease.

All you need to keep in mind is at the end of the Magento development built e-commerce website has to be user friendly and it must deliver the best user experience.

We, AC InfoSoft, are one of the best Magento development companies. We can help you if you get stuck anywhere or from scratch development. Get in touch.

About the author

We are an IT company offering top class VoIP, web, and mobile app development services and solutions. We have various call center solutions to offer along with other comprehensive unified communication solutions and eCommerce web stores.

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