Top Tips for E-commerce Startups to Succeed

Top Tips for E-commerce Startups to Succeed

The e-commerce industry is gigantic. There are so many buyers and sellers who bring in new trends in the industry. To make your e-commerce business thriving, you have to know about the top trends in the eCommerce industry and take advantage of them to attract more buyers and have a profit-making online store. 

Many people invest in eCommerce web development and then continue looking at their competitors and do what they do. However, that would leave you at the same spot. You need to be better at your business game to have a thriving eCommerce business. Read on to know about the top tips that can help you gain competitive advantages:

1. Focus on building brand followers

Generally, e-commerce businesses and marketers focus on sales, which is undoubtedly is the ultimate goal. However, there are so many online stores selling the same stuff as you do. Thus, you need to focus on brand lovers who would love to buy from you only. You can use social media marketing for that as people love checking their feeds from their favorite brands.  

  • You can start audience building from day one when you book the domain.
  • As soon as you get your store from your eCommerce development company, start collecting email IDs
  • Implement some referral programs

When you put your attention and efforts on building followers with different techniques, you will not require investing much in advertisements over the long term.  

2. Experiment is the key

Many people do not like to try something new because of the fear of losing. In fact, in any article written on tips to market an e-commerce business, you would hardly see a tip to experiment. However, that can lead you the way with a unique selling edge. 

Here are some things you can do to check what works better:

  • Write product description differently
  • Create distinct ad campaigns
  • Experiment with graphics and formats 

You can start with any one category of products to see the results and on its success apply that on other categories and products as well.  

Many people say think like a customer and invest in eCommerce web development accordingly. However, you would have hundreds of clients and the majority of them would have different mindsets. Thus, it is difficult to assume and win. You better experiment to see what resonates with your buyers.

3. Competitor analysis is must

There is nothing wrong with watching your competitors. All businesses keep eyes on competitors to adopt new tactics and bring in more business. For your business, you must identify a renowned eCommerce competitor or more that you can monitor to push your business forward. 

Do not waste time in copying a local competitor marketing tactics. Identify the best eCommerce brand in your niche such as Amazon and adopt their marketing strategies, the standard of material, etc.

Do not copy anyone. Just learn the best practices and employ them with your own brand touch and creativity. 

4. Upsell products

In an e-commerce business, you cannot miss upsell offerings. Do not miss any easy sell by missing upsell items on any product. Shoppers who now have their credit cards in their had are more likely to buy more products than new buyers.

Upselling will help you raise your average order value and you will b able to have a higher profit per client.

5. Give Emphasis to customer feedback

Customer comments aka feedbacks are really valuable for both, well-established and startup e-commerce businesses. 

When scanning feedback, don’t discuss with other businesspeople in public discussions. Use a private mode to collect feedback and do not disclose them to competitors or in any public forum.

6. Value your customers

Any business success depends on its customer. Investing in the best eCommerce web development, setting up a team of telecallers with a smart call centre solution, and investing in an expensive marketing campaign will give no results if you do not value your customers.

Your shoppers are the heart of your company. They visit your website, buy your goods, give feedback on your business, and eventually help your business to sustain. Thus, listen to your customers and give value to their comments.

You must build a great relationship with your clients even if it demands you to send a personalized email to each individual buyer to ask his comments on the shopping experience. 

Your shoppers can help you figure out:

  • What resonates with the clients
  • What needs customization to resonate with clients
  • What products can be added in the catalog
  • What could be done better to increase customer loyalty
  • And more

This will also grant them a sense of gratitude. By reaching buyers individually, you display respect towards their opinion. It will increase customer loyalty and reference business as well.


These are the top tips you can keep in mind to attract more new shoppers, get increased customer loyalty, and increase revenues and profit.

About the author

We are an IT company offering top class VoIP, web, and mobile app development services and solutions. We have various call center solutions to offer along with other comprehensive unified communication solutions and eCommerce web stores.

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